I know, technically this is not one af the 100’s of Daytime spots I did over the years but when this is posted, I will be WAY up in Northern Ontario performing for a bunch of libraries and retirement residences, doing this routine.
I absolutely LOVE this routine. Why? Because it’s gives me and the audience a chance to get to know one another and have a great deal of fun.
It’s what is called a ‘personality piece’.
The routine is also from a fellow performer who has become a friend over the last few years – Jeff Hobson. Jeff was the star of the touring show, The Illusionists and now owns his own magic theatre – Marvyn’s Magic Theatre in La Quinta, CA. (I only mention it because maybe he’ll hire me one day soon!)
About Peter
Magician Peter Mennie is a veteran Corporate and Special Event entertainment professional presenting a Clean Comedy Magic Show for After Dinner, Gala, Awards Banquet, Corporate and Family Audiences across Canada.
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